Previously Head Coach at Fury Valorant
I developed a passion for gaming when I young and have played in a competitive environment ever since, placing highly in Australian Overwatch tournaments as hitscan (Widow/Tracer). Once Valorant came out I found a great interest in the depth and uniqueness in the game, after being a well known competitive Sova player I transitioned to coaching. I'm currently coaching interested players and teams to grow as a coach and provide the best service possible.
Fury Valorant
- 8th/455 Fortress Melbourne’s Rise of Valour ($200)
Valorant Player
- Flex subbed for GVNG (Immor 3/Radiant)
- Act 2 Immortal 1 (Sova main)
- 32nd/373 VIS x Order Ignition (IGL/Captain)
- 32nd/192 OCE.gg Community Cup 2
Overwatch Player (IGL/Captain Hitscan DPS)
- 4180 SR Widow/Tracer
- 8th Australia Contenders trials season 1 2020
- 13th Australia Open Division Season 1 2020
- 4th Oceanic Esports Open 2019
- 1st Rise Upper invitational 2019 ($150)